Caroline Rood
Senior Manager, Post-Production
Caroline Rood joins the OBB Media team as Senior Post Production Manager across all projects.
Originally from Hampton Bays, New York, Caroline studied film and digital media production at Tulane University in New Orleans, a city that still claims ownership over her heart. After school she began working as a Production Assistant at ABC News in Manhattan, which is where she'd call home for the next eight years.
During this time Caroline was one of four employees to establish ABC New's Lincoln Square Productions longform unit, eventually rising to the role of unit-wide Post Production Supervisor. Over the years, as the unit expanded into a full-fledged production house with hundreds of employees, she worked with the top television and print journalists in the nation to create hard hitting, inspirational, and diverse content for a global market. Her exposure to all aspects of the production process and the sustained years-long relationships she built has provided her with a sharp eye, a penchant for creative problem solving, and a relentless love for the insane world of television production.
In a tale as old as time, eventually Caroline knew she had gotten her fill of subway transfers and five flight walk-ups, so she set her sights on California. When she's not pouring over tech specs, Caroline enjoys riding her bike, watching documentaries, trying to get to the beach, cooking vegan meals just to prove she can, and arguing with her cat Babou about who gets the sunny spot on the couch.